aplikasi symbianjava hp vs komputer

aplikasi symbianjava hp vs komputer

Selasa, 13 Januari 2009

Belajar Web

Apa itu web????
Apa gunanya Web????

Web itu adalah suatu halaman yang sering muncul di Internet,ya seperti halaman ini sendiri..ini merupakan sebuah halaman Web.
Gunanya bnyak banget,ada yang berisi tentang berita,game,aplikasi,belajar.dll

Nah pengen tahu caranya membuat Web????

YOK kita belajar barenga membuat Web sederhana dengan menggunakan notepad yang ada di komputer kita.

Mari kita mulai belajar Web dasar terlebih dahulu.....

1. Kita buka notepad yang ada di start pada windows
2. Setelah itu kita ikuti perintah ini :
silahkan klik pada gambar untuk memper jelas....

Demikian cara membuat web secara sederhana. Anda dapat memasukkan berita atau ilmu yang anda punya untuk de sebarluaskan ke seluruh dunia.

Selanjutnya kita akan memvariasi web kitasengan scrip-scrip yang agak rumit.


sekarang lihat hasilnya:

4. Jika sempat masukkan scrip ini....pasti JOS!!!!

Untuk selanjutnya kita lanjutkan Besok............ok!!!!!!!


Senin, 18 Februari 2008

The application symbianjava, the mobile phone vs the computer

The mobile phone in the age 21 really played

an important role in the life people.

apart from being used for the mobile phone

telecommunications also could be used

to look for the news with through

the internet connection.

How if our mobile phone in the application

that his achievement almost

matches the computer????

Definitely would really not the difficulty

because we felt the computer was in our grasp...

symbianjava will express him...

If wanting to make your mobile phone

that his achievement like the computer,

your mobile phone must support software


Really was easy...

by filling up few very important applications

that his achievement was the same his matter

with the achievement of the commuter...

Put by us the application along with:

1. system explorer

that his function saw all file available inside

will be seen both that was hidden.

2. smart guard pro

that his function to hide file-file so that safe

from the ignorant hands.

3. anti virus

that his function to release our mobile phone

from viruses that could damage handphone.

better we installed 2 anti the virus so that

the available virus in

the mobile phone immediately vanishes.

4. ultra mp3

that his function to turn music in a random

manner, repeated or was in order,

also had the picture of his background (skin).

5. operas mini

that his function was used for the internet...

very very good in instal in the mobile phone

because this application showed the contents

of the internet on the whole including picture.

better you activated your gprs before

that definitely in accordance

with simcard that you with.

Above was the main application,

was given by us few sweeteners for

the mobile phone so that more complete...

1. applications of the dictionary in english-indonesia

his function as the dictionary inglish-Indonesia

and Indonesia-inglish

2. aims.magital.teghnovations.smartcom.pro

his function for the mobile phone sweetener...

when having the telephone or the sms entered

was videoringtone....

ringtone 3d(had his video).

3. smartmovie

to turn the video in a fullscreen manner...

4. keylocker

his function the automatic key

so that your mobile phone is safe during terpencet.

this application was also supplemented with

the voice when the mobile phone

was in the key or during the key opened...


5. turn off

his function to deactivate the mobile phone automatically,

so when we were resting tonight might not busy got up

to deactivate the mobile phone,

we could arrange him with turn off that eventually could

deactivate the mobile phone automatically.

Above earlier just the method most was easy

to change the achievement of the mobile phone like